How to Play Different Types of Poker Hands

Jun 19, 2022 Uncategorized

When you play poker, you’ll often find yourself playing with many different hands at once. While you may not be comfortable with a certain hand, there are some general rules you can follow to keep your game moving forward. For example, you should be aware of betting intervals and blind bets when playing the game. Listed below are a few of the most common poker hand situations and tips. Read on to learn more about each type of poker hand.

Tie hands in poker

A tie hand occurs when two players have exactly the same combination of five cards, such as a pair of sevens and a pair of fives. The highest pair wins the tie, and the player with the lower pair, also known as the “kicker,” loses. This type of hand often occurs on certain boards, and can also be caused by board texture. A tie hand is resolved in a way that favors the player with the highest pair.

Blind bets

If you’ve played poker, you’ve most likely heard of blind bets. Blinds are bets that the first player to act in a hand makes before the flop hits. They are also known as antes, and they have some strategic value. Blinds and antes are usually smaller than the ante, but they can help you win some money in tournaments. A blind raise can also help you win money by leveling the playing field.


There are many ways to play gutshots in poker. You can go all-in and call a raise on the flop, and then fold your hand if you are unsure of the strength of your hand. You can also use the Alice Cooper schooling strategy. The main idea behind this tactic is that you want your opponents to fold if they only have a gutshot. It is possible to make your opponent’s draw weaker with an additional draw, such as a backdoor flush.

Betting intervals

The length of betting intervals in poker games varies from game to game. The first player to act places a bet, and the players to his left raise in proportion to the total contribution made by the player before them. If no other player acts, the game is over. The first round is the shortest, where the minimum amount of bet is placed. Later rounds may have a check or raise. In some cases, players may check or raise their bets.

Ante bets

An ante bet is a small, compulsory wager placed at the beginning of the game. Unlike the blind, which only applies to the first few players, an ante is made by every player before the game begins. The ante is often equated to 10% of the big blind, although it may be smaller, half or a quarter of the smallest bet limit. Most poker variants use an ante, but they are not obligatory.